Daddy Said You Gotta Show The World The Thunder
7:37 AMThe weather in Durban is about as temperamental as a baby throwing its toys out of the cot. Weird analogy? Probably. All I mean is it's changing every couple of days with the sun shining brighter than ever and the humidity as its finest one minute and rain pouring the next. Durban natives will know, that when this happens...there's nothing to do but go with it!
When the sun came out I decided to pull on a skirt, some flats, a striped tee (of course) and one of my absolute favourite necklaces. It's actually one of the first I ever bought and I wear it often. It just brings a pop of colour to any outfit but the design isn't too trendy so it's something I can keep wearing for years to come.
The week has been a relaxed one so far and I'm hoping that continues. I have the next week off varsity so I'm planning on catching up on my sleep, my reading and blogging:)
My Coolpix adventures continue as I had to tangle with my tripod for this post. Hope I'm improving!
My Coolpix adventures continue as I had to tangle with my tripod for this post. Hope I'm improving!