3:02 PM

I haven't been blogging  much recently. At least not over here on my blogger blog. I've been spending a lot of my time over on tumblr getting inspired. As I mentioned in a previous post, I've been on a bit of a health kick and I can see marked improvement in both my physical and mental health. I have to say, it's tough getting up at the crack of dawn to jog a few kilometers (I'm up to 8 now) when you could just carry on sleeping the morning away but the way my thinking about myself has improved has been worth it. Speaking of tumblr, there are crazy inspirational stories out there where people have shed tons of weight in a year by 'skipping the dessert bar' and 'pounding the pavement'. It's great to think you can achieve that goal, whatever it may be, if you work for it.

I hope all the pictures I share below inspire you too.

What's your goal this year?

Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored by Nike. I just happen to love them:)

All images courtesy of tumblr.

Yours In Style

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