SORBET Cleansing Face Mask

9:39 AM

Sorbet Cleansing Face Mask
Price: R34, 99

When I popped into Clicks a few weeks ago I was excited to see this Sorbet product on display. As is often the case I was in a hurry and couldn't stop to get a good look at it but made a note to myself to come back when I had the time. I finally got some time the other day and picked up a mask in one of the various types they had on display ranging from masks to help with teen skin to aging skin.

I chose the Spot & Oil Control mask with tea tree, witch hazel and vitamin C (all good sounding things I'm sure my skin would appreciate). Each pack contains 1 mask with a recommendation to use it twice weekly for the first month and then monthly for every month thereafter for the best results.

I'm always a sceptic as a beauty blogger but I also love to have my skepticism be unwarranted and to have a product actually do what it purports to do. After using the mask I have to say this time I was proven wrong and I enjoyed every second of it! My face was literally breaking out on me the week I tried the mask and it was itchy, oily and a horrible experience overall until I used the mask.

All I can say is the mask was cooling, soothing and such a relief I wanted to keep it on for longer than the given 20 mins but I managed to restrain myself! My face went back to its somewhat less oily self within the week. Now whether that is owed to the mask treatment or my regular face regime or a combination of both I couldn't definitively say...All I know is I can't wait to try the mask again soon!

Yours In Style

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