8:04 AM

Well isn't this post overdue! I thought I'd do one now so we can catch up. It's been a busy couple of months and I can't believe it's flown by so fast. I'm thinking of doing this as a series so look out for more of these posts in future!

Wearing: Mac Red Lipstick 
Mr Price Crop Top
Sass Diva (Now Zuri) Necklace

001 I've been on holiday for like two months now and have another month to go. Honestly, I'm not looking foward to going back to campus. It's my fourth and final year of law school and I've heard it's notoriously busy (unsuprisingly). I prefer 'holiday Teeks' to 'campus Teeks'. I'm way more relaxed and calm (as calm as I can get anyway) during the holidays and the thought of going back to the grind makes me wanna go back to bed. And sleep. For dayyyyyys.

002 As I mentioned in my last post I've been having way too much fun to take pics of anything and my Nikon is staring at me all guilt-inspiringly because it's not being used. Wah! I'll be making an effort soon though. I'm thinking about recreating some of my looks for outfit posts. And maybe finding decent spots for posts. I'm keen to shake things up a bit here on the blog so watch this space. I also have a few beauty buys I've been reaching for that I must share. I've even been editing videos and hoping I can film some for the blog and youtube eventually. 

003 I picked up a bug on Christmas day so I spent most of that day asleep (sad, right?) It then turned into acute sinusitis (I don't think that's a medically accurate description of what happened but there it is). It was horrible! I had to take plenty of meds that made me all faint but I'm all better now! 

004 I'm on a bit of a health kick lately. It features some early morning jogging, salad eating and plenty of water drinking. Is it working? Well, I certainly feel better both physically and mentally. I love everyone who's been telling me it's completely unneccessary because I'm fine the way I am but it'a nice to feel proactive about my health. Let's hope it lasts!

005 I'm wondering how I feel about the fact that it's 2014. Excited? Yes, definitely. A new year is a great time for a fresh start and even if nothing major changes it's nice to see what happens! I'm looking foward to trying different things, meeting new people and being more accepting of myself! 

What's been happening in your life lately?

Yours In Style

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